"Yummy Yummy" is a series initially intended for television. The central concept focuses on healthy eating reviewed in an alternative form, light hearted and funny, while getting across a clear, positive and constructive educational message and without using a heavy moralistic tone. The series is also designed to be ultimately distributed on various audiovisual mediums as part of themes like the promotion of quality nutrition and the development of healthy nutritional habits.
Jacques-Rémy Girerd
Hal Collomb
Serge Elissalde
CategoryTV series
Length26 episodes of 2 minutes 30 secondes (and 26 x 52 secondes)
Publicall audience
ProductionFolimage Studio, Les Trois Ours, with France Télévisions
Sélection officielle en compétition, Festival International du Film d'Animation d'Annecy 2013.
2D computer graphics
Genre(s)comedy, edutainment
Theme(s)diet, health
Available print(s)Digital Betacam, HD Cam, DVD, Quicktime file
Available version(s)French version
Image radio (TV, video)16/9
Year of production2013
Jacques-Rémy Girerd, Corinne Destombes, Olivier Catherin
AnimationXavier Cruz, Morten Riisberg Hansen, Sergiej Gizilla, Toby Jackman, Elena Pomares, Marc Robinet, Suzanne Seidel, Amélie Harrault
DecorsSerge Elissalde
CompositingPierric Gibert, Benoit Razy, Joan Frescura
MusicSerge Besset
SoundLoïc Burkhardt, Samuel Billot, Pauline Lemaire-Démaret
EditingHervé Guichard, Myriam Copier
Voice(s)Jean-Pierre Coffe