Uncanny Stories

/!\ Pitch online @ Cartoon Movie 2021 | Thursday 11th, March - 10:30 am /!\

A horror anthology adapted from literature. The idea is to associate several authors and directors to form a scary animated film anthology.
Based on this observation, and in particular with a strong urge to deal with these horrifying subjects, that we wanted to embark on the adventure of this anthology bringing together six adaptations of French or international short stories. Among the authors we have selected, the choice of works was ultimately focused on feelings rather than on a purely logical thematic, and it is this diversity that makes the strength and the strangeness of this anthology.
From horror, fear or anguish, we found it fascinating to set side by side Laura Kasischke and H.P. Lovecraft, Jean Ray, Alain Gagnol, the Grimm brothers and Edgar Allan Poe.

Artistic Director : Izù Troin.
6 animated short films:

Chapter 1 - The Prey
Based on the short story written by Alain Gagnol.
Directed by Morten Riisberg Hansen.

Chapter 2 - Hansel and Margot go rambling
Loosely based on "Hansel and Gretel" by Jacob & Wilhelm Grimm.
Written and directed by Fabrice Luang Vija.
Graphic design by Marie Houssin.

Chapter 3 - The Alley
Based on the short story "La ruelle ténébreuse" by Jean Ray.
Written and directed by Benoît Razy.
Graphic Design : June Ortu, Benoît Chieux.

Chapter 4 - The Skill
Based on the short story by Laura Kasischke.
Written by Alain Gagnol.
Directed by Jean-Loup Felicioli & Alain Gagnol.

Chapter 5 - The Thing in the moonlight
Based on the short story by H.P. Lovecraft.
Written by Izù Troin.
Graphic Design by Camille Chao, Kati Simon & Izù Troin.

Chapter 6 - The Lighthouse
Based on the unfinished short story "The Lighthouse" de Edgar Allan Poe.
Written by Hefang WeI & Camille Dufayet.
Directed by Hefang Wei.

Direction Category

short films


72 min


adults, teenagers


Folimage. In coproduction with Les Films du Tambour de soie. With the support of : CNC (aide au développement / FAIA), Département de la Drôme and Valence Romans Agglo (aide au développement). Co-funded by Creative Europe MEDIA of the European Union.

Technical information


2D computer graphics, mixed technique, traditional 2D animation





Available print(s)

DCP, ProRes HD, H264 HD

Available version(s)

French version, French version with English subtitles

Image ratio (theaters)

1:85, Scope

Image radio (TV, video)



Stereo, 5.1





Year of production




Producteur délégué : Reginald de Guillebon (Folimage)
Coproducteur : Alexandre Cornu (Les Films du Tambour de soie)
Producteur exécutif : Pierre Méloni (Folimage)
Directrice du développement : Corinne Destombes (Folimage)




Loïc Burkhardt